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Create reactive state that is persisted and synchronized across browser sessions and tabs using Web Storage.


Count: 0


PersistedState allows for syncing and persisting state across browser sessions using localStorage or sessionStorage. Initialize PersistedState by providing a unique key and an initial value for the state.

		<script lang="ts">
	import { PersistedState } from "runed";
	const count = new PersistedState("count", 0);
	<button onclick={() => count.current++}>Increment</button>
	<button onclick={() => count.current--}>Decrement</button>
	<button onclick={() => (count.current = 0)}>Reset</button>
	<p>Count: {count.current}</p>

PersistedState also includes an options object.

	storage: 'session', // Specifies whether to use local or session storage. Default is 'local'.
	syncTabs: false,   // Indicates if changes should sync across tabs. Default is true.
	serializer: {
		serialize: superjson.stringify,   // Custom serialization function. Default is JSON.stringify.
		deserialize: superjson.parse      // Custom deserialization function. Default is JSON.parse.